Come explore the world of altered books as personal art expression with artist/art therapist Laura Bohn. The goal is to address therapeutic concerns and positive emotions through personal pages. Altered books provide a symbolically layered means of exploring reflection and transformation, especially when we make art intentionally for growth and wellbeing. We will transform old books and recycle them into personal art expressions that respond to your needs and goals.
Basic art supplies provided.
Using mixed media, books can be transformed with new materials. Bring in an old book (size of your hand or a bit larger), scraps of fabric, beads, other ephemera or small treasures, words, letters, photocopies, and other images to transform into an altered book.
$20 supply fee.
No experience required.
Class limited to 12 participants. Register early to secure your spot.
For full details and to register call 386-402-7517 or email